Compassion for the Perpetrator, with Juliet Grayson and William Ayot (40 mins)
CourseSuccessful therapy with perpetrators is hugely dependent on the therapeutic relationship. William and Juliet will be sharing thoughts about how to work with this client group, and how to support supervisees.
The Body Speaks Its Mind: Pesso Boyden Healing, with Sandy Cotter (140 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Sandy Cotter describes the work of Al Pesso and the Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy and how it works with trauma. This course includes a real client session demonstrating the PB structure, as well as a Q and A session.
After the Affair: Rebuilding Relationships After Infidelity (110 mins)
CourseAimed at therapists, this talk explores the many aspects that affecting couples after an affair, & what it means for therapists supporting one or both parties. This was prepared for College of Sex & Relationship Therapists.
Bessel van der Kolk Talking About Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (3 mins)
CourseThis is a very short film showing Bessel van der Kolk - one of the world's experts in trauma, talking about the effectiveness of Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (PBSP) when dealing with issues such as trauma and abandonment.
Sex and Sexual Problems: A Q&A, with Juliet Grayson (90 mins)
CourseJuliet Grayson, a sex and relationship therapist, answers a variety of questions about sex and sex problems. This talk covers a wide range of topics, many of which can be a source of embarrassment or shame in people's lives.
The Complete Exploring Shame Series 1: Episodes 1 to 7
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)You are purchasing the full Exploring Shame Series 1 1) The Hidden Face of Shame 2) The Engine of Shame 3) Shame, Trauma and Abuse 4) Shame & Relationships 5) Shame & Betrayal 6) Treating Shame 7) Questions & Answers About Shame