Child Sexual Abuse: The Body Keeps the Score, with Juliet Grayson (155 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)Juliet shares a Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy model: 10 themes that commonly arise when working with people who were sexually abused as children, and shows extracts of client sessions to give an illustration of how PBSP works with the body.
The Pesso Method: Healing Deficits in Basic Needs, with Sally Potter (80 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This focuses on the Pesso method’s five formative basic needs: Place, Nurture, Support, Protection and Limits. We see how interventions of the Pesso approach use people’s innate knowledge of what they missed and still long for to heal early wounding.
The Body Speaks Its Mind: Pesso Boyden Healing, with Sandy Cotter (140 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Sandy Cotter describes the work of Al Pesso and the Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy and how it works with trauma. This course includes a real client session demonstrating the PB structure, as well as a Q and A session.
Bessel van der Kolk Talking About Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (3 mins)
CourseThis is a very short film showing Bessel van der Kolk - one of the world's experts in trauma, talking about the effectiveness of Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (PBSP) when dealing with issues such as trauma and abandonment.
The Trauma Thrivers Podcast: How Pesso Boyden Helps with Attachment (30 mins)
CoursePBSP helps clients become aware of their own internal maps or blueprints for living. Often, these are formed in our early lives before we have any say in the matter. Strategies that may have helped us in the past can hinder us in the present day
Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy From the Client's Perspective (75 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Client John Wilson, and therapists Juliet Grayson watch and discuss the film of his Pesso Boyden session in Sept 2020. This was John's 3rd experience of PBSP which began in July 2019. The discussion happened in January 2021.