Please read this first
Part 1: Emotions come to a conclusion, but shame stops that. Rupture and repair. Definition trauma.
Part 2: Difference trauma and abuse. Witnessing trauma. Trauma is not just about what happened to you, but how you experience it. Shame and trauma share psycho-physiological responses.
Part 3: Poem: The Medical Room. Trauma opens us. Which predisposes us to abuse.
Part 4: Body based therapy. Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy. The ego and the soul. Freddie Flintoff and bulimia. External shaming leads to self shaming.
Part 5: Two kinds of shame. The body's indications of shame. Trauma survivors have symptoms instead of memories. Shame needs more than just cognitive work.
Part 6: The journey out of toxic shame does not happen overnight. Pendulation. Do your own shame work as a therapist.
Part 7: Post traumatic shock. Post traumatic stress. Trauma and shame are linked. Mortified, humiliated, izzat. Anything less than nurture is abuse.
Part 8: What happened to me wasn't so bad! Dissociation. Poem: Back to the Numbers.
Part 9: Different kinds of abuse. Working with perpetrators of sexual violence and domestic abuse, helping them take responsibility without shaming them. Take 3 long breaths to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
Part 10: Ritual, and returning the shame. Intergenerational shame.
Part 11: No wonder! Nevertheless. A counsellor can be the person who helps a client rebuild their interpersonal bridge.
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Working with Blame After Trauma: The problem of being hyper reactive

- £10.00
- 80 mins
- Downloadable audio
- CPD certificate
William Ayot is an award-winning poet, author, teacher and ritualist. Over three decades he has hosted and led, men’s and mixed personal development events and rites of passage. He uses poetry and the arts to teach leadership in boardrooms and business schools around the world, currently teaching on the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD. William designs and leads bespoke rituals for individuals, and is available for one-to-one coaching online.

What to explore next
Exploring Shame Series 1, Episode 4: Shame & Relationships (80 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (6 reviews)Shame and Relationships
Exploring Shame Series 2, Episode 6: Trauma, Dysfunction, and Abuse, with Juliet Grayson and William Ayot (80 mins)
CourseThis talk explores shame as a binding link between trauma, abuse and dysfunction. Locked into behaviours that ensured survival, shamed individuals are often unable to complete emotional cycles and move on, leaving them diminished and trapped.
The Trauma Thrivers Podcast: How Pesso Boyden Helps with Attachment (30 mins)
CoursePBSP helps clients become aware of their own internal maps or blueprints for living. Often, these are formed in our early lives before we have any say in the matter. Strategies that may have helped us in the past can hinder us in the present day
Vicarious Trauma: Resonating with our past, with Juliet Grayson (30 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This talk focuses on the impact of vicarious trauma, giving examples of how it can be resonating with our personal history – out of our awareness – re-stimulating our fears and anxieties.
Bessel van der Kolk Talking About Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (3 mins)
CourseThis is a very short film showing Bessel van der Kolk - one of the world's experts in trauma, talking about the effectiveness of Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (PBSP) when dealing with issues such as trauma and abandonment.
The Body Speaks Its Mind: Pesso Boyden Healing, with Sandy Cotter (140 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Sandy Cotter describes the work of Al Pesso and the Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy and how it works with trauma. This course includes a real client session demonstrating the PB structure, as well as a Q and A session.