Please read this before moving on to the next part.
Shame Episode 6 Part 1: Journey from toxic shame to healthy guilt. Define shame. Healthy shame is designed to socialise us. Shame ‘I am wrong’, guilt ‘I did wrong’, or didn’t live up to my own standards. 6 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 2: Prevalence of shame. Benefits of healthy shame. The qualities of a guide through the path out of shame. Long steady process. Shame between parent and child flipping. 6 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 3: Self compassion versus self esteem. Poem Opening a Door by William Ayot. Tolerate discomfort builds resilience. Kristin Neff’s statistics on compassion. The 3 legs of compassion. 10 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 4: If you are the only one who can’t be fixed, that is a negative inflation. Self compassion is self kindness, mindfulness and common humanity. Shame and empathy. Being allowed to sit in shame. Rescuing. 8 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 5: Some clients shy away from the word shame. Alternative words. Create a shared working definition of shame and guilt with your client. Shame is in the body as well as the head. A Model for Treating Shame: 9 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 6: Aspect 2: feeling. Aspect 3: imagining. Pick an object to represent shame. The lemon visualisation. Slow everything down. 8 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 7: Self soothing. Breathing. Dropping the tone of voice. Poem: Back to the Numbers by William Ayot. What you can do physically over zoom. Clients who hold a cushion. 7 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 8: Aspect 4: relating. Normalising. Self revelation to an appropriate level. You are not alone, you impact me. Examples of interpersonal relational questions. Aspect 5: guiding. Exercise: writing a letter. 7 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 9: Writing about yourself in the third person to find a compassionate place. Poem: Take Her Down by William Ayot. Example of using the 5 Aspects Model with a client. Shifting physiology. 10 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 10: If this was your friend? Pesso Boyden Ideal Parent Visualisation (this is a ‘free preview’ - go to the Pesso Boyden Techniques 1 to watch free of charge). Gesture to throw away the shame. Stalking the shame. 5 mins
Shame Episode 6 Part 11: Moving to healthy guilt. Assess seriousness. Make a pie chart of responsibltiies. Make reparation to rebuild the inter-personal bridge. Poem: Breaking the Silence by William Ayot. 11 mins
This is the audio version of Treating Shame: Tools and Techniques, in one unbroken audio version. 1 hour 35 mins
Treating Shame, Tools and Techniques: The unbroken video - i.e. 1 hour 30 mins continuous
Please give feedback. NB A Certificate of Completion is released once feedback form has been filled in.

- £10.00
- 90 mins
- Downloadable audio
- CPD certificate
William Ayot is an award-winning poet, author, teacher and ritualist. Over three decades he has hosted and led, men’s and mixed personal development events and rites of passage. He uses poetry and the arts to teach leadership in boardrooms and business schools around the world, currently teaching on the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD. William designs and leads bespoke rituals for individuals, and is available for one-to-one coaching online.

What to explore next
Exploring Shame Series 2, Episode 1: The Nuts and Bolts of Shame, with Juliet Grayson and William Ayot (65 mins)
CourseAs society has evolved, we have increasingly used shame as a tool of control, manipulation and dominance. Today in therapy rooms, we are confronted by the effects of toxic shame, which has a devastating effect upon a person’s development and life cha
The Body Speaks Its Mind: Pesso Boyden Healing, with Sandy Cotter (140 mins)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Sandy Cotter describes the work of Al Pesso and the Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy and how it works with trauma. This course includes a real client session demonstrating the PB structure, as well as a Q and A session.
Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy: Techniques, with Juliet Grayson (90 mins)