
What Juliet Grayson discovered when talking to ‘general’ therapists, is that most of them will wait for the client to raise sexual issues. However, clients who come for psychosexual therapy say they were unable to raise the topic of sex with their one-to-one therapist, because the therapist gave no indication that they were willing to explore that area. So, although it is a very important part of life that we all have to deal with, sex often gets left out of the therapy room. This talk is for those therapists that get brave enough to ask their clients about their sex lives.

The talk includes a sex related Q&A.

    1. Please read prior to beginning the talk

    2. Part one: Introduction; do you talk to your clients about sex?; courses on working with couples and relationships.

    3. Part two: What is it that stops you from asking your clients about sex?; responses from participants; bringing up the topic of sex; when to refer to a psychosexual therapist; specialist supervision.

    4. Part three: Thinking about your attitude to sex related topics so you’re prepared in the therapy room; things that might be useful to know about for the therapy room; sex drive decreasing; intimacy increasing vulnerability; distance regulation.

    5. Part four: Sexual arousal circuit - brain, body, emotions; physical touch and psychological stimulation; normalising the client’s issue; seeing a doctor.

    6. Part five: Age and sex; the brain as a sex organ; a discussion around erectile dysfunction; some treatments for erectile dysfunction; non genital sensate focus.

    7. Part six: A poem - Frozen Rabbit; discussion around premature ejaculation; the arousal threshold; low desire vs sex drive; physical arousal and subjective arousal; spontaneous desire and responsive desire continuum; causes of low desire.

    8. Part seven: Orgasmic problems; equipment for some sex problems; self-focus.

    9. Part eight: Juliet answers sex related questions

    10. Part nine: Questions and answers continued; poem: Spent; closing words.

    1. Listen here

    1. Watch here

    1. Video excerpts from a previous talk

    1. resource PDF

    1. Feedback form and certificate

About this course

  • £10.00
  • 140 mins
  • Downloadable audio
  • CPD certificate


Juliet Grayson is an experienced couples therapist, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Her work has been distilled out of a twenty-five year exploration of the ways in which people limit themselves, both personally and professionally.
Having specialised in working with relationship and sexual issues since 1994, she decided to write a book :Landscapes of the Heart: the working world of a sex and relationship therapist, published April 2016. She used to write for the Huffington Post, and has done many radio a few TV appeareances.

She designed and, with her team, runs a six module course on How to Work With Couples: for therapists who usually work one to one. She combines her extensive business experience - she ran her own company for fifteen years, and a second company for twenty years - with a profound knowledge of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), PBSP (Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor) and a deep understanding of systemic thinking.
Juliet is known in training circles for her warmth, for the thoroughness of her trainings, and for her ability to maintain a sense of fun whilst challenging those behaviours that call for a change.

She is a fully qualified psychosexual psychotherapist (UKCP Registgered, NLPtCA Acc), and a recognised supervisor (NLPtCA ) and a PBSP trainer. She has a private practice in Chepstow, South Wales.

Juliet Grayson


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