This talk is an introduction the the six modules of How To Work With Couples
We have made the film to cover some of the basic questions, and give people access, and ask them to watch it before they attend the working with couples workshops. The questions are answered by Juliet Grayson, Nicola Jones and Julie Newberry.
Here are some of the topics covered:
The 4 page intake questionnaire that you will receive on the Fundamentals of Working With Couples module
What basic questions do you ask when people phone
How frequent are couples sessions, how long, and do you charge more for couples
Do you offer free sessions
What pointers do you have if the couple have a row in the session
What do you do if someone leaves the room during a sessionv What personal skills does a therapist need
How often have people had a serious row
What do you see as success for you as a couples therapist
Last thoughts from Julie and Nicola
Two terms you may hear: Decentering & Differentiation
To book for the Working With Couples modules go to
To find out more about the content of each module, and read feedback from others who have attended the workshops, go to
Watch here
Please give feedback. NB A Certificate of Completion is released once feedback form has been filled in.

About this course
- Free
- 30 mins
- CPD certificate
Having specialised in working with relationship and sexual issues since 1994, she decided to write a book :Landscapes of the Heart: the working world of a sex and relationship therapist, published April 2016. She used to write for the Huffington Post, and has done many radio a few TV appeareances.
She designed and, with her team, runs a six module course on How to Work With Couples: for therapists who usually work one to one. She combines her extensive business experience - she ran her own company for fifteen years, and a second company for twenty years - with a profound knowledge of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), PBSP (Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor) and a deep understanding of systemic thinking.
Juliet is known in training circles for her warmth, for the thoroughness of her trainings, and for her ability to maintain a sense of fun whilst challenging those behaviours that call for a change.
She is a fully qualified psychosexual psychotherapist (UKCP Registgered, NLPtCA Acc), and a recognised supervisor (NLPtCA ) and a PBSP trainer. She has a private practice in Chepstow, South Wales.

What to explore next
Working With Couples: Why Bother? (55 mins)
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