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About this course

  • Free
  • 75 mins
  • CPD certificate


Juliet Grayson is an experienced couples therapist, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Her work has been distilled out of a twenty-five year exploration of the ways in which people limit themselves, both personally and professionally.
Having specialised in working with relationship and sexual issues since 1994, she decided to write a book :Landscapes of the Heart: the working world of a sex and relationship therapist, published April 2016. She used to write for the Huffington Post, and has done many radio a few TV appeareances.

She designed and, with her team, runs a six module course on How to Work With Couples: for therapists who usually work one to one. She combines her extensive business experience - she ran her own company for fifteen years, and a second company for twenty years - with a profound knowledge of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), PBSP (Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor) and a deep understanding of systemic thinking.
Juliet is known in training circles for her warmth, for the thoroughness of her trainings, and for her ability to maintain a sense of fun whilst challenging those behaviours that call for a change.

She is a fully qualified psychosexual psychotherapist (UKCP Registgered, NLPtCA Acc), and a recognised supervisor (NLPtCA ) and a PBSP trainer. She has a private practice in Chepstow, South Wales.

Juliet Grayson
